COYER Going Back To Basics began on December 19th, but alas I had so much on my plate, I was unable to start with everyone else, but now I have things situated and I'm back on top of my game and so excited to start up COYER once more. This will be my third time participating in COYER and each time, I get more accomplished in the way of reading and blogging.
Right now COYER is running from December 19th (or in my case January 2nd) to March 4th and is hosted by Fantasy is More Fun, Because Reading, and Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My!
Read Your E-Reads! Every book you read must be in an electronic format – meaning E-Book or Audiobook. It’s okay to start a book before December 20th, you must be less than half way for it to count then review it during COYER.
The books must be FREE or NEARLY FREE! This includes library books, review books, tour books, NetGalley, Edelweiss, etc. What’s nearly free? No more than $5 for ebooks and no more than $16 for Audiobooks (or the equivalent in your currency).
Announce your participation! This can be a blog post (or if you don’t have a blog – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Booklikes, Goodreads, Shelfari, etc.) If you want to list books you would like to read, that’s great, but not necessary. The point is to let us know you’re committed to COYER, maybe share some goals, and help us spread the word. Not sure how to do your post? Check out this example from a previous COYER.
Link up! Link that post (not just your blog homepage) to the linky over HERE.
Review & Link Reviews! Your review may be on your blog, Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc. Link the review to the Review Linky (we will share this December 19th). We will randomly pick three review links to win a $10 gift card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. All links must be entered by March 5, 2015 at 11:59 PM EST.
Visit Each Other, Chat & Have Fun!
See more at: http://www.becausereading.com/coyer-is-going-back-to-basics-sign-up-today/#sthash.qbAOChsi.dpuf
- Read twenty eBooks.
- Read three+ blogger shame books - This will also help me in the 2016 Blogger Shame Challenge.
- Catch up on my Netgalley books.
- Participate in at least 2 Twitter parties.
- Participate in the COYER Facebook Group.
- Participate in the February Instagram photo challenge.
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