Thursday, June 25, 2015

#SRC2015 Book Review : Summer Secrets by Jane Green


Week of June 22: Summer Secrets by Jane Green
Cat was living the party life in London, drinking and partying every night. Everything changes for the 20-year-old when she discovers that the father she never knew was living in Nantucket. Now in her 30s, Cat is sober, but divorced and desperately trying to make up the time she lost with her daughter. Cat is forced to face the past and the fateful events of one summer night many years ago. Cat learns that confronting the events will impact her future in ways she could have never imagined.

Summer Secrets is my first Jane Green book, but it will not be the last. Jane Green captivates readers but taking them on a journey with Cat, a recently separated mother. Cat is an alcoholic who didn't realize that she truly had a problem until it was too late. Now coping with the loss of her husband, she has thrown herself into the AA program and is making progress as she repairs her relationship with her daughter. Now it's time for her to make amends and to do so she must travel to America to face the past and seek closure on relationships that she never had a chance to cultivate due to her drinking.

Once I began this book, I threw myself into it. Green brings readers into Cat's world and her writing style and descriptive nature made me feel as if I was a part of the book, not merely a spectator. I could picture myself in Nantucket with the breeze brushing across my face and I could see myself facing the temptation of the bottle. That's how real Jane Green's writing is.

Cat, is flawed, but she's human and we all make mistakes. Unfortunately for Cat it took her husband walking out on her to make her wake up and realize what she had been doing to herself and the people around her. There was no doubt in my mind that her husband loved Cat, but he could only watch her self-destruct for so long. Cat is not a perfect person. Far from it actually, but that is what drew me to her. It was nice to see a character who knows they are not perfect, who struggles to say no to temptation, and who works on redeeming themselves. 

Another thing I liked about Cat is the two sides of her. There is England Cat and there is Nantucket Cat. Although Nantucket wasn't the best place for her years earlier, now that she is sober she can appreciate it all. She lets her hair down and embraces Nantucket life..sans the drinking. England Cat is wonderful also, but there's just something about Nantucket Cat.

What I really felt bad about was that Cat only had a limited amount of time with her real father before she screwed things up and then they were left not speaking for years and she never got a true chance to know him before he passed away. This made my heart hurt for Cat and for her father.

I truly enjoyed Green's writing and this whole story. From the start it captivated me and brought me into it's web. Before I even knew it I was turning the last page. It's not often that a book spellbinds me, Summer Secrets did just that. 

With it's beautiful Nantucket setting and it's captivating writing, Summer Secrets whisks you away on a journey of forgiveness and healing with the remarkable story that lies within it's pages.

Not only do I recommend Summer Secrets to readers, I gladly rate this book the five + stars it deserves. Summer Secrets is the perfect summer read! 

Jane Green’s seventeenth novel, Summer Secrets, will be released in the US on June 23rd and on July 2nd in the UK. She is the author of sixteen previous New York Times Bestselling novels, including The Beach House, Jemima J, and most recently Saving Grace which is due out in paperback in early June.

*This book also counts as COYER Scavenger Hunt #2 - Read a book with a cover that is at least 51% blue. 

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